Join the 2020 Cast

Join the 2020 Cast

Join the 2020 Cast

Register to Audition and Join the Gang!

Our cast are a talented and energetic bunch of Scouts and Guides… and we are always looking for others to join us as we sing, dance and act our way through 2020.

Upon joining the Gang, you will discover that we are a large, friendly and welcoming group of Scouts, Guides and supporters.
Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement.

Read this first!

Please read the following information carefully, to ensure that the process is as smooth as possible and that you complete your application correctly.

All members of CCGS are required to be members of the Scout Association, as either a uniformed member or as an adult volunteer. This year Comedy Capers Gang Show will use the MyScout system in place of application forms for all members.

Click on the steps below to proceed.

Step 1. - Registering for Auditions
  1. Click here to visit Tryboooking and follow the instructions.
  2. Register and select one audition session.

Each person attending an audition must have a separate audition booking in their own name.

You will receive a single confirmation email from Trybooking. This means we have received your booking and are expecting you to attend for the selected audition. So just come along on the day, you won’t need to bring a ticket.

Step 2. - Membership Application Process

Now that you have booked an addition spot… visit MyScout SA – Event Registration to complete your Comedy Capers 2020 event registration.

You will need: Your date of birth and/or your Scout member number.

Please Note:

  • If you do not know your Scout member number, you can access it by contacting your Scout Group, or if you have been a member of Comedy Capers in the past you can contact the Admin Director, Terri Scanlon.
  • Girl Guides please contact the Admin Director Terri Scanlon who will be able to assist you.
  • If you do not have a Scout membership number and are not currently a member of Scouts SA Branch, please contact the Admin Director Terri Scanlon to see how we can process your application.

All adult members of CCGS and Scouts SA are required to hold a current National Police Clearance, and in line with current legislation a Working With Children Certificate (we are able to assist with this process).

Once in the event application you will need to confirm that you have read and understood the information. You will also need to update your medical, dietary and emergency contact details. Click on update contact details, once you have saved these it will take you to update your medical information, please click on the Enter medical details on the top right hand corner.

Terri Scanlon – Admin Director  or  0417 436 518

Step 3. - If you're accepted

If you are successful in being accepted into the Comedy Capers Gang Show Cast, you will then be sent a link to register for CareMonkey (our admin and welfare system). If you already have a profile please share with CCGS, alternatively if you don’t have a CareMonkey profile you will need to create one.

To participate in CCGS activities all Cast and Crew members must be registered on CareMonkey.

If you have any problems, please email: or mobile 0417 436 518